July 4th – Tell your friends to come sign our petition at the Orinda Watch booth...

Orinda Watch has a table/booth at the July 4th Parade.  Please tell your friends to stop by and sign our petition, to pick up our new educational materials, learn more about Plan Bay Area and the Housing Element changes and how these items will impact everyone's lives (and primarily for the worst.)  July 4th is a day where we stand proud of our country and remember those who fought to give us the independence and liberty we have today.  This Republic has stood for freedom and individual prosperity for 200 years, and has positively changed the lives of so many people since its birth, thanks to the framework of liberty that was set in place at the very beginning.  Let's honor our nation and those that came before us by continuing to fight for freedom and prosperity for the greatest number of people to work and live when, where, and how they choose in peace and to continue to pursue their own happiness.  After all, that really is the definition of freedom.  Join us in the fight of this non-partisan issue of Plan Bay Area.